Friday, September 23, 2011

tales from the conference, part 5

One of our friends who was also on the conference committee was at the dance Saturday night. Braeden asked her how she was liking the conference, and she responded that since she is always in charge of something they always seem like more work than play to her (she is an incredibly reliable individual and often—if not always—has some kind of leadership role in every big YSA activity in the area). As a woman who is just about to age out of YSA (over 30) there weren't that many guys there that were her age. So when Braeden asked her what she was hoping to get out of the conference she said, "My goal this year has been to flirt with all the 18 year-old boys." Braeden asked how many she'd flirted with and she said, "Like a million. All of them. I think all of them."


1 comment:

My Worthless Degree said...

Are you talking about a certain woman whose name rhymes with "Gelissa Featon"? I suspect you are, and how I love that woman. Tell her she can marry me anytime.