Monday, September 19, 2011

tales from the conference, part 2

The first night at the dance we were standing in the back with our neighbors the Hartleys who were also their helping at the conference chatting when Debbie Hartley asked us if we knew any boys in the YSA branch who didn't have beards. We thought that was a weird question and asked her why she was wondering. Her husband Mike pointed out a girl that was standing a little ways away staring off into space and told us that he had asked her why she wasn't dancing, and she replied that she was waiting for the right boy. He asked her what she meant by "right boy" and she responded that she wanted to dance with a boy who was clean-shaven, had gone on a mission, and doesn't eat crackers in bed: clearly she was hoping this one dance would lead to eternal things. So Debbie, bless her heart, was trying to find her a boy that met at least the superficial requirement. Braeden told her two boys in the branch that he could think of who were clean shaven and had served missions then said, "But I can't vouch for their cracker eating habits."

I don't think anything came of his suggestions....


Sarah said...

This made me laugh....the beard thing made me laugh....but kind of strange!

Cassandra said...

Ha ha! We thought of you with the beard thing, but wanting to date a boy who is clean shaven and not wanting to dance with a boy who is not clean shaven are two totally different things. And the crackers in bed? Come on now. It's just a dance! Bed has nothing to do with it.